Gongda Yang
PhD Student, Environmental Research Institute, Scotland, 2007
Education and training
2008.12.05 Visiting project in the Sperm Laboratory
2007.3 - present Environmental Research Institute, Scotland.
2005.9 - 2006.9 Environmental Biology, St Andrews University
2001.9 - 2005.7 School of life Sciences & Biotechnology, Shanghai
Credit honor
1999, Mathematics Hope Cup of China, the third rank prize, country level
2000, Biology Olympic Competition of China, the first rank prize, province level
1999 and 2000, Physics Olympic Competition of China, the third rank prize, city
2000, Chemistry Olympic Competition of China, the third rank prize, city level
Publication and Conference
June, 2008 Gongda
Yang, Peter Kille and Alex T. Ford. Infertility in a marine crustacean: Have we
been ignoring pollution impacts on male invertebrates?
Aquatic Toxicology, Volume 88, Issue 1, Pages 81-87.
May, 2008 SETAC
Europe annual conference in Warsaw.
Current address
Environmental Research Institute,